Wow, I only just discovered you and your stuff reminds me of OneyNG a lot. Are you anything to do with him (a friend?) or are your styles just quite similar? Not a complaint, I love it.
Wow, I only just discovered you and your stuff reminds me of OneyNG a lot. Are you anything to do with him (a friend?) or are your styles just quite similar? Not a complaint, I love it.
This Sonic's voice is just like the one I remember from the cartoon..JUST like it
Anyway, this is epic.
So glad to have found your work, it's all fucking awesome.
Hilarious, and at the same time, so true..
As many have said before me, this is a masterpiece!
You're a wizard.
This is fucking EPIC, haven't laughed at a video on the internet as hard as I did to this one in a long time. Pretty sure this is the first time I've seen any of your work, mister Egoraptor, and my first impression of what you do is SUPER good :D great job! I love everything about this
Really well done
This was real good, I gots exams comin up in school so really made me think more bout the possibilities of not bein prepared! Well done :D
A friend of mine had schizophrenia (he died a few months back), this did actually remind me of him in ways. Although it was strange, I thought it was amazing :)
Oh Steven Wilson.. This is amazing, man :) I loved it :D the song was so catchy.. Loved the whole thing :)
I love all of SilverStitch's creations.. They're so uplifting and heartfelt, some are so simple yet they have such a huge overall impact and have such true messages in them.. All of the 'Colour..' series really bring me up if I ever get a down spell. I truly adore them :)
Age 29, Female
Joined on 5/29/11